Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Purple pullover

Here we come again, back to Sweden, end of the feeling of uselessness. On the one hand that month was a big wasting of time, but on the other hand spending a lot of time with friends and family was amazing.
Useless cause I forgot all of my official papers in Sweden, driving license, taxing card... so I could not afford to work as a driver unfortunately... In fact, it was very funny to arrange Mr-s or Ms-s Lunch or Mr-s and Ms-s Dinners from day-to-day.:) But also felt the smog fro weeks, there was also smog-alarm for days as a result of no-windy weather and the situation that instead of Russian gas a lot of plants started to burn something else, much polluting material... And one and last time: Hungary during wintertime is much colder than west-coast-sweden- I would highly appreciate not to hear anymore this question :) Well, in January I spend only 4 days here in Sweden as next week I am going to Aalborg, Denmark to coorganize some BEST course, so I cannot really write anything now, apart from good to have this clean air again :) but I can also feel the inflation here, as the bus pass' price went from 310SEK to 325SEK per month:) Good thing about currency is that both money I am involved is out of eurozone and so both are weak in comparison with EUR. For instance: compared to HUF, EUR is no 20% stronger, but SEK is stronger only with 6%. These changes for half-a-year, by the way. EUR is punishing tough the remaining EU currencies, as a conclusion...
Ok let me say something more about Hungary for those who knows few about:
- its popularity around 10 million people
- some years ago there were more than 100000 people taken to universities
- in 2008 80000 were born within the borders .
So you can easily count that in 18 years most propably everyone will be taken for higher education! wtf cannot comment, thats also describes the dying out nation its higher education, and here is the fact, that media cannot publish, otherwise noone know what will happen:
-2008 was the first year when more than the half (51%) of the newborn babies are from the group of gipsies from the lowest level of the communities... I do not consider it as a racism, but facts are facts. And there is difference between Hungarians and gipsies. Actually I just wrote an essay for one of bro's girlfriend in this field about integration and segregation of gipsies, as the biggest minority(?) in Hungary. Question is, till when. Furthermore, how could raise up children in those circumstances???

Friday, 9 January 2009

Time management

Ayup, I just realized if Joonas put on public my link, I need to update even more often. (Pronounce the word >often<>with a hard >t< more reason why is it so profitable if you have a British classmate;)
Ok I am rewriting this post for 4th time and each occasion one part of text seems to be dissappear..grrr... Well I wrote that i cannot work for Fittipaldi driver service due to some administartion problems, so I am trying to meet as many people as I can, having lunch meetings etc etc. is the first time in the last 15 years when all the 3 Galambos bros are living in the same room, no way to escape:) This is different, you can notice much more interesting facts about others if you stay with them continously... I also prepared them some Jamie Oliver food and realized that there is a significant difference between the British ale and the Amstel dark beer, they provide different tastes especially when you boil some cattle in it:)
unfortunately I forgot to count, but the question I got the most times is >Isnt it too cold in Sweden?! Newcastle in fall 2009... can hardly wait also for that, but have to mention that the feedback I have received so far are not undoubtably postive. We will see, see posts after September :)
Now in Hungary here is the 1 month long exam period, it is so sad to see and hear from the boys their current experiences, how are they treated, how is education now... Dont wanna get down into details, but it is not really changing, well it is, only into negative directions...