several informal rules, but still had better to stick to them, here are they, in order not to forget later on:
1. Make your opinion known
I will love it, even i am loving it already, this is really a working socialism! you cannot say something is not working around! perfect place to extend social network :)
Hope i wont finish writing this it after 2 weeks or even less, please try to enjoy it somehow, even its boring:)
2. Link like crazy
Hm, lately turned out the following: 2010 the year of changes here in sweden, and seems i am gonna avoid it. If you are still in interested, follow the general swedish application procedure and the world will be open 4u.
3.Write less
I am trying, i am trying.
4.250 Words is enough
definitely, even for more
5.Make Headlines snappy
I am on it.
6. Write with passion
I am unable to write without passion, don`t u feel that? and even wouldnt be here without any passion!
7. Include Bullet point lists
I thought about shopping list, for instance.
Lets see tomorrows:
- mjölk, i really dont like that swedish language also includes the letter >ö<, makes me switching between keyboards...ok i put here several examples so next time its gonna be only copypaste öööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööö (by the way, its milk:), see i started learn swedish:) )
- vegetables
- fruit flavoured water, even here tap water is delicious, i found a special one, with a low level of flavouring, but i love it- it exists with lime, and lot of berries and so on..
- 7.3% beer , aka >öl<>systembolaget
8. Edit your post
should I? i would it be just perfect! ok, not, but i am happy already if i am able to write
9 .Make your posts easy to scan
oops just realized that i picked a bad 10 rules of blogging, i dropped the link of a correct one, never mind, instead of this rule it was about the necessity of pictures. there u go>
10. Be consistent with your style
Yep, i am trying to, as for clothing its highly desired to be consistent to my former style since here everyone is so stylish and have a cool-looking dresscode, and i mean it for every age level!
11. Litter the post with keywords
this the 11th rule, dunno what happened: keywords for the last 5 days: becomin, extra20kg overweight, niceroom, newfriendfrombrasilrussiaestoniaenglandmainly, runninginforest, bus19, festuparty, vodkapluswhiskeynite, fallingasleeponnightbus, calledofffootballevent, newball, tomorrowitsschoolagain:)