It not a difficult task to figure out what does the title mean. Thing is, that I think it sounds so funny, like some weed-smelled Jamaican order, with some reggae background music. Logga-logga! :)
I am a big Moleskine fan! In the last 3-4 years I am always using a calendar from that brand, since it is very elegant, has its reputation and very practical to use. However, it is not at a price level like those freely-distributed crappy student calendars with an ad on every 2nd page... But still, in Sweden it can happen, that the density of moleskine-calendars within 1 sqm reaches 3! Here we go here is the photo, from this morning's Service Contract Management lecture, the two Swede girls showed up with those Moleskine items!
The other day I was in the bathroom, taking a shower, and since the age of 20 I cannot live bathroom life without having a radio :) . There is no bathroom without music at all! So, it was some commercial (hundrafemkomenio: ) and as far as I got it it was some flying and traveling. Than, suddenly, like summer storm lighning, the familiar music from the Hungarian Airlines started up, and I got frozen for while. Wtf, here, in Sweden, they invest in advertising. The last part of the spot mentioned even Budapest. On the whole it was strange. That music, is like built in in every Hungarian's memory, from childhood, lots of us use as ringing tone, and so on. I guess each culture or nation has something similar.
Some related media:
(relavant part of the music is from 0:22)
Actually sometimes still nice to fly with them. Last summer Malev offered the cheapest solution to Moscow. On the flight back, i fall asleep right after taking off (BEST-aftercourse feeling:) ), and when I suddenly woke up, I found the food politely put to the next seat's table. Recognizing immidiately that it just will not be enough, I asked the stewardess about one more portion. She responded that they are according to the passanger numbers, but she will check. At the end, I managed to eat one more!
Here is one more, from earlier times: